Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 4

Utilising websites and learning tasks

Today we were introduced to the following website: to explore some Aboriginal history, particularly their dreamtime stories. Firstly, it was advised to be aware of user discretion, particularly the violent stories included when working within the classroom setting.

Our task for today is to select one of the stories and retell it in our own words using the Inspiration software creating a series of pictures and summaries. I chose the story called "The Mimis". Below is the story retold in my own words:

I enjoyed this task and can see the benefits of using it within the classroom setting as it can be incorporated into an immense amount of different units as the possibilities of resources is endless. It is a great task to encourage higher order thinking and also a unique learning opportunity for students to focus on their comprehension, listening, reading and writing skills as the task entails them to point out the important aspects of the story and re-tell it in their own words with accompanying pictures

After this task, we were shown a fun activity to utilise ICT in mathematics. The M&M's Task was introduced to us with strict safety precautions. It was made clear that before beginning any task using edible items, enquire if the school has any poilicies related to using food within the classroom and check for any known food allergies amongst your students. Secondly, when explaining the task: use step-by-step instructions before beginning to enhance their active task time and use this time to voice any rules related to the task.

For this task today we needed to open your M&M bag and sort them into their colours. Next, create a bar graph within Microsoft Excel:

This task is an active way for students to build upon their number counting, tallying, prediction and ICT skills in constructing bar graphs. For some it may even be a user friendly introduction to bar graphs as the program is very easy to follow and produces a very clear layout, in which the students can add their own personal finishes to enhance the display.

To extend their learning further students can be encouraged to explore the M&M's website researching the history, products and characters. This establishes the link between classroom mathematics and 'real world' information. It also allows students to explore a familiar topic, whilst unconsciously learning about many different VELS domains including history, health and nutrition, science, mathematics and literacy. Students can add this information and artwork to their Excel table increasing the appeal of their final presentation. Below is my example of ways in which pictures enhance the overall presentation:

With this activity in mind, I intend to relate to students by using beloved characters or examples from the 'real world' to gain their attention and make learning fun. I will also keep in mind the need to cater for the diverse learning styles of students by appealing to each student to allow their learning experiences to be personal and relevant to them.

Whilst I completed a placement within a 5/6 classroom I was particularly impressed with their mathematical incorporation of the AFL football into their mathematics program. It was a weekly game they called 'Dream Team' where the students accessed the website to calculate the statistics from their chosen players, producing a weekly score, which was tallied into a classroom ladder. The concept is exactly the same to the Australian version available online, where all students eagerly calculated their way to find out their weekly score. At the end of the season each class winner was presented with a medal and an overall winner presented with a trophy. I was amazed to see how excited the students were to begin each week and participate in mathematical activities!

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