Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 9

Animation within the Classroom

In this workshop we were introduced to a variety of websites that students can experiment with animations and movie creations. We were specifically warned that as the internet has no restrictions it is imperial that before websites are chosen to be used in the classroom that they are thoroughly explored and approved by teaching staff to avoid students being exposed to unacceptable content.

The first website we explored is called
dfilm.com. It was a good experience to manipulate backgrounds, scenes and characters to begin to learn about the techniques
involved with animation and movie creation. In doing so, we created a short cartoon film which is displayed below:

Unfortunately, this website is deemed unsuitable for the classroom as the characters and scenes available are inappropriate.

The second website we were shown is called
buildyourwildself.com. I personally enjoyed this activity of creating your own character and then using animal parts to go wild! Teamed with the Wildlife Conservation Society, this website allows students to express their creative side, as well as offering factual information about specific animals as they complete the process. Below is an example of the animations possible:

The next website we viewed is called zimmertwins.com. This is another movie maker website which due to time restrictions we were unable to explore.

The following website we experimented with is called sketchswap.com. The concept is to sketch a drawing and then 'swap' it with someone on the world wide web. I really enjoyed this website, however, as it is unpredictable, is not safe for classroom use. Below is the sketch which I received after submitting my own sketch:

The next website is known as reasonablyclever.com. This website enables students to create lego characters and relevant comic strips. It has a 'kid-safe' option, which is suitable for the classroom and would be useful in the classroom when exploring procedural text, story boards and art. Below is a sample of the website:

The next website we were shown is called xtranormal.com. The concept of this website is to move from text to movie. As this website requires membership, it may be unacceptable due to student privacy issues. Below is a picture of what the website looks like:

The next website is called
abc.net.au/rollercoaster/rollermache/ This website allows students to plan stories and create matching animations. It is a great way to inspire students to write creatively.

The following website is called ziptales.com.
It offers a mixture of 'make-and-do' activities for students to complete with step-by-step instructions. Great for students' fine motor skill practice and art exploration. Below is an example of the 'Tiny Teddy' activity, where students create a teddy bear to put on display:

The next website is called
storygames.com. This is a great teacher resource for reading and writing activities to use in the classroom. It allows students to edit their own story writing as well as add to others writing pieces to create a writing piece with everyone's shared input.

The use of 'spellchecker'
Finally, we also were shown a unique, interesting way of how much everyone relies on the computer itself for spell check, rather than using our own intellect to spell commonly used words. Our instructions were to turn off the computer screen and type out the dictation Greg was to read aloud. My attempt was as follows:

I have a spelling checker
It came with my PC,
It plainly marks with my review
Mistakes I cannot see.

I strike a key and type a word
And wait for it to say
Whether I am wrong or right
It shows me straight away.

This task alone really made me notice just how much we do rely on computers for the simplest of tasks, such as spelling, and not to let our future students to take the easy option of relying on a 'spellchecker' instead of using known phonics and other spelling rules they are taught. Therefore, it is important students are still encouraged to refine their fine motor skills also. Despite this, ICT has advanced learning beyond any boundaries known and provides infinite possibilities for both students and teachers to explore we just need to HAVE A GO!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 8

Online Literacy Texts
During my teaching practicum I was lucky enough to spend some time working with the Literacy co-coordinator of the school where I was introduced to online websites providing texts to read with the class during the whole class focus to begin their literacy rotations. I found it was a very useful tool to use to search for specific subject texts which may not be available in a hard copy version at the school.
The below websites are some I am vastly becoming familiar with:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 7

ActivInspire - Studio software

This week I have been using the ActivInspire - Studio software on the interactive whiteboard. I am beginning to work my way through all the features and templates available, and vastly building up my collection of interactive lessons within a grade 1/2 classroom.

During this week I was assigned two handwriting lessons, where I modelled the correct technique of how to hold a writing pencil, how to correctly write the letters, where to start and finish as well as the correct size of each letter. I particularly liked the dotted thirds template, which allowed the students to be actively engaged throughout the lesson by having a go at correctly writing the letters on the interactive whiteboard.

Below is the template of the dotted thirds:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 6

Use of YouTube within the classroom

This week I began my teaching practicum within a grade 1/2 class. I have been lucky enough to use an interactive whiteboard where I have had the opportunity to engage students throughout my lessons using this magnificent tool.

I have managed to set up an account on the YouTube website, where it allows you save either a playlist or a favourite video to use and access whilst in the classroom. This can be found on the left hand side menu bar.
This is very useful as you can access the website anywhere, making it very reliable to plan for future lessons within the classroom directly from home!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 5

Assessment Moderation
Today our task was to assess a fellow students' webquest, utilising criteria sheets and the rubric. Firstly, we needed to mark the webquest individually, once finished, go through assessment mark with our partner and a fellow group to go through the moderation process.
Greg encouraged us to make comments positive, as well as pointing out some weaknesses. Constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged. However, don't OVER CRITICISE. I was suprised to find the task intimidating and eye-opening to first hand experience how differently our minds can interpret a set task to others.
Personally, this was a valuable experience in considering the diverse range of minds we will be teaching within our future classrooms and to promote and praise the uniqueness of each student. However, it also pushed the importance of clearly explaining the task if specific outcomes are desired.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 4

Utilising websites and learning tasks

Today we were introduced to the following website: http://www.abc.net.au/dustechoes/ to explore some Aboriginal history, particularly their dreamtime stories. Firstly, it was advised to be aware of user discretion, particularly the violent stories included when working within the classroom setting.

Our task for today is to select one of the stories and retell it in our own words using the Inspiration software creating a series of pictures and summaries. I chose the story called "The Mimis". Below is the story retold in my own words:

I enjoyed this task and can see the benefits of using it within the classroom setting as it can be incorporated into an immense amount of different units as the possibilities of resources is endless. It is a great task to encourage higher order thinking and also a unique learning opportunity for students to focus on their comprehension, listening, reading and writing skills as the task entails them to point out the important aspects of the story and re-tell it in their own words with accompanying pictures

After this task, we were shown a fun activity to utilise ICT in mathematics. The M&M's Task was introduced to us with strict safety precautions. It was made clear that before beginning any task using edible items, enquire if the school has any poilicies related to using food within the classroom and check for any known food allergies amongst your students. Secondly, when explaining the task: use step-by-step instructions before beginning to enhance their active task time and use this time to voice any rules related to the task.

For this task today we needed to open your M&M bag and sort them into their colours. Next, create a bar graph within Microsoft Excel:

This task is an active way for students to build upon their number counting, tallying, prediction and ICT skills in constructing bar graphs. For some it may even be a user friendly introduction to bar graphs as the program is very easy to follow and produces a very clear layout, in which the students can add their own personal finishes to enhance the display.

To extend their learning further students can be encouraged to explore the M&M's website researching the history, products and characters. This establishes the link between classroom mathematics and 'real world' information. It also allows students to explore a familiar topic, whilst unconsciously learning about many different VELS domains including history, health and nutrition, science, mathematics and literacy. Students can add this information and artwork to their Excel table increasing the appeal of their final presentation. Below is my example of ways in which pictures enhance the overall presentation:

With this activity in mind, I intend to relate to students by using beloved characters or examples from the 'real world' to gain their attention and make learning fun. I will also keep in mind the need to cater for the diverse learning styles of students by appealing to each student to allow their learning experiences to be personal and relevant to them.

Whilst I completed a placement within a 5/6 classroom I was particularly impressed with their mathematical incorporation of the AFL football into their mathematics program. It was a weekly game they called 'Dream Team' where the students accessed the website http://www.dreamteam.afl.com.au/ to calculate the statistics from their chosen players, producing a weekly score, which was tallied into a classroom ladder. The concept is exactly the same to the Australian version available online, where all students eagerly calculated their way to find out their weekly score. At the end of the season each class winner was presented with a medal and an overall winner presented with a trophy. I was amazed to see how excited the students were to begin each week and participate in mathematical activities!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 3

Technology within the classroom
This week we learnt about technology within the classroom not only being based around computers or the internet, rather utilising materials to construct and design tasks. It is important that students follow the steps of a design brief including:




TASK: Create a "jumping frog" using the following materials:

  • Cardboard (10cm)
  • Frog picture
  • Rubber band

  • Sticky tape (15cm)

1ST ATTEMPT: Our first attempt to create a "jumping frog" invovled folding the cardboard into a 'Z' shape and retracting it with a rubber band. Unfortunately, the frog fell off and did NOT jump.

2ND ATTEMPT: Our second attempt to create a "jumping frog" involved folding the cardboard into a 'L' shape and also retracting it with a rubber band. Again, the frog did NOT jump, rather flew forwards and down.

APPROVED IDEA: The cardboard was folded in half and braced with the rubber band, creating tension which caused the cardboard to retract and in turn, the frog DID jump!

Make sure all students follow the design brief and note down their attempts and ideas so they can keep a detailed, up to date record of their work.

Technology learning with GAMES!

This week we were also shown fun, interactive ways students can learn using computers through educational online games. However, before we begun, we were shown the importance of students 'behaving online'. It is vital for classrooms to establish Internet Acceptable Use Agreements (AUAs) to ensure students have permission from their parents to explore the internet and instill a sense of personal responsibility for their own learning to safely 'surf the net' including appropriate language, suitable websites, respecting others, protecting personal information privacy and being proactive with their learning.

We were given the chance to be shown an interactive website which provides a thirty day free trial period allowing teachers and students to create their own game and share it with others. We accessed the website http://www.quia.com/newtrial.html

First, you need to create an account. Secondly, we created a quiz. My quiz can be found at: http://www.quia.com/quiz/2511800.html

Next, we created an activity online. I chose to create "Jumbled Words" where I created a list of words to the related topic where students needed to unjumble these words to find the answer.

I also created a "Battleship Game" found at the following link: http://www.quia.com/ba/409890.html

Overall, I found this website an interactive and creative way to engage future students in their learning to allow them time to 'think outside the box' and importantly, HAVE FUN! I will definitely use similar software within my classroom as I was told by my mentor "Students learn the most when they are having fun".